Combat Imposter Syndrome: These 6 Questions Will Help You Remember Who You Are!

"If You did It Once Then You Can Do it Again!"

I want you to look into the mirror, smile and confess out loud “If I did it once, then I can do it again!”

If you are struggling to understand what that “it” is that you’ve done, let’s take a deep dive into the things that you have accomplished by asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Who have I helped?
  2. What projects did I make an impact on?
  3. What have I successfully completed?
  4. What ideas have I brought to life?
  5. What did I create?
  6. What have I accomplished?

Think about the questions and write your answers out. Once you complete this exercise, you will be surprised at all of the things that you have accomplished that you probably haven’t given yourself enough credit for. You can transfer your wins and highlights to this free Boss Chick Highlights worksheet

Give yourself the credit that you deserve and from this moment forward, start writing out your wins from big to small. Keep a success journal to reflect on how you have made a difference in your own life so that you will never forget WHO YOU ARE!

 If you did it once, then you can do it again!


 Kenyelle Ash

 ::: CHECK UP ::: 

Have you completed your vision board? If yes, was it an annual one?

Tip: Consider completing a monthly vision board and if you don’t want to commit to monthly, at least commit to completing a quarterly one.

Purchase your Visions In Progress “Couture Vision Board” Magazine & Kit HERE!  It’s the only magazine you will need for your vision board!






Copyright, Millions In Progress LLC

Reference: Women's Empowerment, Visions in Progress Vision Board Kit, Gifts for Her, Women's History Month, Success Tips, Combat Imposter Syndrome